Return to UNM-Gallup Children's Literature Syllabus, Summer 2002


BOOKLIST: Read randomly, read selectively, read methodically, read seriously, read entertainingly, read, read, read. Follow a ‘quest to find books in “sets” according to author, illustrator, or genre. Follow your heart’s delight. Risk new genre. Reread favorites. Read once as an “enjoyer” and once again as a “critic” to see how the author structured the book and why you laughed or cried. Come to some understanding of literature as an art form, that is, as a tool for educating the imagination.

AVERAGE AIM: 60 books | ABOVE AVERAGE AIM: 60 books | EXCELLENT AIM: 100 books

Prepare an annotated booklist of at least 60 children’s books to which you add about 6 books per week (60 total). From these annotated entries, you will be asked to present at least one 2-minute “book talk”, during which you are to “sell” your classmates on the merits of reading the books selected for Oprah’s Book List. All annotated booklists are to either be: recorded and saved on a 3x5 diskette – as an IBM compatible Microsoft Word Document; or handed in as a typed document (hard copy) each week for accurate recording of your booklist assignment. Include: Name, Date, Booklist range (#1-6), Genre, Title & Author, Annotation. If quoting, give credit to source. Academic integrity is expected of you and is to be reflected in your coursework. (No Disney or Golden Books)

Types of literature (genre) you will explore (see our course text): 20 Picture Books | 5 Poetry and Verse | 10 Folktales | 5 Realistic Fiction 4 Historical Fiction | 4 Auto/Biography | 3 Fantasy | 3 Science Fiction | 5 NonFiction/Informational = 60 total

(The total number of books is not optional, however, the number of books read in each genre is. Only one RULE OF THUMB: Read at least 3 in each genre to total 60 books.)

LITERATURE LEARNING SESSIONS (Storytelling Events): attend THREE storytelling events (Gallup Public Library, local performances, etc.). Record how you were influenced by each event commenting on: performer, content, manner of delivery, audience reaction/involvement, and above all YOUR RESPONSE/REACTION. (Sincerity=Quality above Quantity). Most of these opportunities will try to be scheduled within the duration of our classtime together.

AUTHOR FOCUS: Choose a children’s author to explore biographic and literary contributions. Present a written presentation (one-sided, one-page) of the author to share with the class. If possible, include several books of the author for display. Remember to cite sources and to give due credit. Examples will be provided in class.

ILLUSTRATOR FOCUS: Choose a children’s illustrator to explore biographic and artistic contributions. Present a written presentation (one-sided, one-page) of the illustrator to share with classmates. If possible, include several books of the illustrator for display on the day of presentation. Remember to cite sources and to give due credit. Examples will be provided in class.

STORYTELLING: You will share a story orally (no book) with your peers. The story may be short (5-10 minutes) or longer (however long it takes you to tell it).

BOOK TALK/BOOK ADVERTISEMENT for Oprah’s Book List about your favorite book as a presentation in any form, other than a written book report. Following the ‘Sales’ pitch (book sell), please read a short excerpt. Each student will prepare to deliver at least one book sell during the course.

UNM CHILDREN’S LITERATURE CLASS COLLECTION: Each student will design his/her own page as part of a collective work – UNM Children’s Literature Class Collection. Use of the World Wide Web to research available information about children’s literature is encouraged in addition to your own reading.

CHILDREN’S LITERATURE WEBSITES: Each week explore several children’s literature websites (list provided in class). Use the information learned for your own enrichment – personal and professional. Websites of particular interest to you can be added to your own website for the UNM Children’s Literature Class Collection.

POTENTIAL GUESTS will be invited to our class to share their own experiences with and expertise of children’s literature and storytelling.

  • Priscilla Diaz - Gallup Public Library Children’s Specialist

  • Sunny Dooley - Navajo Storyteller & former Miss Navajo Nation (Storytelling)

  • Coila King - UNM-Farmington Faculty

  • Jean Whitehorse – Advocate, Librarian & Storyteller (Cultural Sensitivity)

  • Uma Krishnaswami – Children's Author, lecturer & Creative Writing Educator (Children's Book Publishing)

STORYTELLING EVENTS will be encouraged for you to attend. Some dates may be outside of our scheduled class meeting dates.

  • Gallup Public Library Storytelling Events at 2PM (See Gallup Public Library Summer brochure)

  • Taylor Ranch Branch Library at 10:30AM Finnish Epic – Kalevala storytelling performance (call 877-758-7343 for more information)

  • Anthony Chee Emerson Native American Fine Art Gallery (121 West Main Avenue/Farmington, NM 87401 at 505 599 8597 / Open Tuesdays-Saturdays from 10:30am-5pm

  • 2002 National Storytelling Conference in Denver, CO (For Registration: 1 800 525 4514)

  • Stories at Sunset at the Wheelwright For information call: 505 928 4636 or Wheelright Museum

Return to UNM-Gallup Children's Literature Syllabus Summer 2002