University of New Mexico-Gallup

Frances K. Vitali, Instructor


Semester | Instructor |

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Objectives | Opportunities |

Requirements | Grading Criteria |


"The stories we tell not only explain things to others, they explain them to ourselves". --Donald Norman--

Summer Semester 2002

Tuesdays & Thursdays 9-3

July 2 - 25, 2002

Office Hours by appointment on Tuesdays & Thursdays

Course Instructor

Frances Vitali

Instructor's Promise

Mailing Address: Box 3528 Farmington, NM 87499

Residence: Lake Valley, NM

Phone Number: 505.786.7265

E-mail Address:

Speech Communication Course

Introduction to Libraries & Books Course

EDU 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Course, Spring 2001

CIMTE 443 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Class Collection, Spring 2001

EDU 238 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Course, Spring 2001

EDU 238 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE Class Collection, Spring 2001

CIMTE 443 Children's Literature Class Collection Summer 2002


Required Text: Savage, J. F. (2000). For the love of literature: Children and books in the elementary years. Boston: McGraw Hill.

Optional Text: Collins, R. & Cooper, P. (1997). The power of story: Teaching through storytelling. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Course Description

Literature (reading, storying, and listening) is an important aspect of not only the school curriculum, but of life, in general. In this course we will focus on aspects of literature for children. The overall goals are understanding the human need for stories, and gaining such an appreciation and love of stories/literature that you will naturally want to share it in your personal, professional, and recreational life.

“When a day passes it is no longer there. What remains of it? Nothing more than a story. If stories weren’t told or books weren’t written, man would live like beasts-only for a day. Today, we live, but tomorrow today will be a story. The whole world, all human life, is one long story” (I.B. Singer in Cooper and Collins’ [1992] Look What Happened to Frog, p. 8).


  • Value excellence and diversity through people, ideas, and innovation
  • Prepare educators for multi-media environments
  • Promote interdisciplinary research, teaching, and community outreach
  • In implementing UNMs mission, we value:
  • Excellence in all that we do
  • Diversity of people and perspectives
  • Relationships of service, accountability, collaboration, and advocacy
  • Discovery, discussion, and dissemination of ideas; and
  • Innovation in teaching, technology, and leadership.


During the course techniques will be modeled, explained, and practiced. By the end of the course, you will:

Appreciate the significance of story in human lives;

Read a wide variety of children’s books suitable for elementary school children and young adults;

Be able to read and tell stories to children in ways that captures their attention, imagination, and interests;

Be familiar with a range of strategies for presenting literature selections to children;

Be able to respond to literature in a variety of ways and encourage children to do the same;

Be able to evaluate children’s literature with culturally sensitive perspectives;

Be able to read, Read, READ children books of enjoyment to you;

Be able to sample the vast array of children’s literature just waiting for you.

Be expected to take an active interest in the work of others.

Be invited to share the following:

  • bring books for reading aloud,
  • tell stories,
  • collect poem cycles,
  • read sets of books by authors and illustrators
  • read to others
  • design own children's literature website

Academic integrity is expected of you and is to be reflected in your coursework. Refer to UNM Code of Conduct and Matters of Disciplinary Action in the UNM Course Catalog.



ATTENDANCE: ATTENDANCE: Please plan to attend each session. It is understood that emergencies will arise that may require missing a session or part of a session. Please contact the instructor, when possible, if you have to miss a session or will be late for a session. Attending all classes is for your benefit to fully experience and appreciate the world of children's literature. And further more, we will miss you and your contributions during our time together.

Please arrange work and appointment schedules so that you can attend each session. Since our classes meet for longer over a shorter time period, there are NO excused absences. If there are schedule conflicts, taking this class at another time is recommended. There will be no make-up work given. One absence will result in a two-letter final grade reduction. Two absences will result in a failing grade. Lateness is considered a serious interference with your progress in this class and excessive tardiness will result in one-letter final grade reduction.

PARTICIPATION: : Please come to class prepared to participate in group and class discussions. Because we will be exploring responses to literature (oral and literary), developing ways of selecting, sharing, and discussing literature among ourselves and with young people, listening to others' contributions of books and stories, attendance and group participation are crucial. We will be building on our own reading ‘quests’ and reading adventures. It is hoped that you will build on your own reading adventures and discoveries, along with the course schedule and content.

The instructor reserves the right to drop any student who is excessively late or absent from class and/or who is not keeping up with course assignments and projects.

GRADING CRITERIA (270 total points)

A GRADE = completion of all course assignments and projects with a high (250-270) level of academic excellence which includes surpassing minimum expectations.

B GRADE completion of all course assignments and projects with an above average (220-249) level of academic achievement.

C GRADE = completion of all course assignments and projects with a satisfactory or minimum (200-219) level of academic achievement.

F GRADE = fails to show competency in course work and content.



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Semester | Instructor |

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Objectives | Opportunities |

Requirements | Grading Criteria |


Created 12 January 2001 by the author,

Frances Vitali, Ph.D.

Last Updated 3 July 2002 by the author

Copyright January 2001

All Rights Reserved